Friday, July 31, 2015

Don’t crowd your day with work Dan Miller


Don’t crowd your day with work

  1. I am having trouble keeping jobs. I need help.
  2. I lost my job a month ago and started a new one this week. I got a text from my boss this morning saying I’m done.
  3. My husband is 31, is a college grad and has hopped around different jobs and has not really found anything that he finds fulfilling.
  4. I feel like a rocket car primed and ready to explode that can’t get into first gear.
  5. I thought I could make money from my writing – and you just left me hanging.


“ The truly efficient laborer will not crowd his day with work, but will saunter to his task, surrounded by a wide halo of ease and leisure, and then do what he loves best. — Thoreau

Other Resources:

Free Guide to Understanding Personality Styles

Today’s show is brought to you by Casper Mattress – use sleepyoulove as the code to get $50.00 off your purchase of Dan’s favorite mattress

Escaping Shawshank – special discount code for podcast listeners: freedom2015

Coaching with Excellence – September 3-4th

from Official Site Dan Miller

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

I must need a shrink Dan Miller

Here’s a podcast listener question

Hey Dan, I’m having trouble keeping jobs. I need help. Do you have any psychologists that you would recommend? My insurance runs out at the end of this month so I need to act fast. I was self employed for years but had to start working for companies to get

You're Fired!

You’re Fired!

a steady paycheck and insurance for my family.  I really need help understanding what I’m doing wrong in the workplace to keep getting laid off or fired.  Thanks, Evan

There are a couple of possibilities:

  1. You need to ask your previous employers what was it that made them not want to have you on their team?  Do you have work or attitude habits that are sabotaging your success?
  2. You have been spoiled by having been “self employed for years.”  You’ve experienced the taste of time freedom and open-ended income and will have difficulty being an “employee” again.  You may subtly resist supervision or have a hard time keeping your better ideas to yourself.

But keep in mind, these early jobs are part of the process of clarification.  Few people find the perfect match right at the beginning.  If you learn from these experiences it could get you closer to a job that fits you.

In Daniel Pink’s book Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us, he identified three things we all want in our work:

  • Mission
  • Mastery
  • Automony

If we don’t have those, we’re likely to move on or self-sabotage to the point of getting fired.

If it’s any consolation I too would have trouble keeping a job – it’s just how some of us are wired.  Consider all the new work models today – contingency worker, independent contractor, free-lancer, temp, entrepreneur, and many more.  These are legitimate models for work that don’t look and feel like being an “employee.”

You may do better having a project to complete.  You may find something you do really well – that you can frame into consistent income.  Don’t let anyone tell you “you need a job.” What you need to do is find a way to focus your unique talents and passions – in a way that will create sufficient income for you to be responsible and enjoy the life you choose.

Yes, I can recommend some psychologists.  Or if you need a coach, just contact me here and I’ll match you with one of our best 48 Days Coaches.  It may not be a deep-seated flaw but rather a matter of seeing new possibilities outside of the traditional JOB.

Here’s a free guide to help you understand how you’re wired –  Personality Styles Overview Guide

from Official Site Dan Miller

Friday, July 24, 2015

Work is Love made visible Dan Miller

Work is Love made visible

  1. I just started my coaching business and already have 3 clients for over $3000.
  2. I am a 29-year-old Brazilian currently living in Germany and I am lost.
  3. I feel like I have nothing to look forward to in life. I’m 41 and feel like I should’ve accomplished more.
  4. My younger brother is living his dreams and I feel pretty terrible because I am not.
  5. Hi Dan, I’m an over the road trucker, and I’ve hated my job for years.
  6. I have a ideal job but I really hate it.  What’s better: work more in a job you’d love or less in a job you dislike?


“Work is love made visible.  And if you cannot work with love but only with distaste, it is better that you should leave your work and sit at the gate of the temple and take alms of those who work with joy.”  Kahil Gibran, from “The Prophet”

Today’s show is brought to you by – use 48Days as the code to get $5.00 off your purchase of Dan’s favorite razor

Escaping Shawshank – special discount code for podcast listeners: freedom2015

Coaching with ExcellenceSeptember 3-4th

Many of you hear me talk about my podcast coach, Cliff Ravenscraft.  He helped me position myself for the most powerful marketing tool for my business (my podcast) that I’ve ever experienced.  He has a few spots open for his next PodcastingAtoZ course starting on Monday, August 10th.  Use discount code 48Days to get an immediate $500 discount off the very reasonable enrollment fee.


from Official Site Dan Miller

Friday, July 10, 2015

Can I serve others well and still make a living? Dan Miller

I have always been inundated with requests for ministry (or pro bono) coaching.  Just today I received a lengthy letter from a 60-yr-old pastor, whose board in his description is replacing him with “a new and younger man.”  He has no health insurance, is living “paycheck to paycheck” and has no idea where to go from here.

After a “ministry” lunch meeting yesterday, I made a quick stop at the bank. The teller dissolved into tears as she told me that she too has felt “called” to do something significant, but feels trapped at the lowly position at the bank as a single mom.  I ran out to my car and grabbed a copy of the new edition of 48 Days to the Work You Love and Wisdom Meets Passion but she could have used a tender 2-hour listening and counseling session.

I get poignant pleas from disabled workers, professionals who have been let go and others who feel off track in their life’s position.  Joanne’s work at the Tennessee Prison for Women provides us with a steady stream of ladies who need a hand-up and a fresh start. Many have read 48 Days to the Work You Love and feel connected to me as a possible lifeline to a more purposeful life. In this week’s 48 Days Online Radio I respond to a newly divorced mother of five whose husband had an affair with and married her best friend.  She needs a plan for her own future.  Another mother wrote that her 23 year-old son had a head on collision in December that has left him with severe physical limitations for working.  He needs help in creating a realistic, but creative, plan for generating income.  I just spoke with my nephew who is executive director of a program in Richmond, VA that is doing a great job of breaking the cycle of poverty and illiteracy.  He desperately needs financial support and materials to open new doors of opportunity in work and income for kids who want to embrace their God-given talents.

If you are a coach, or just a person people seek out for counsel and advice, how do you handle that desire to help a hurting world?  Specifically, how do you balance your desire to serve and your responsibility to provide for your own family?

On September 3-4th we’ll be having our last Coaching with Excellence event of the year here at the Sanctuary in Franklin, TN.  CWEMay2015We’ll be covering how to position yourself for ministry – and for profit.  There is no shame in doing well as you are doing good.  I’ll share how we create a variety of resources to help people in multiple ways – and how you can do the same.  I’ll show you the 90% free resources we provide, and the 5% that is carefully structured to create income beyond our needs. We’ll talk about stewardship and lifestyle and how I look for “and” solutions rather than “either/or.” If you are already coaching, we want to hear how you are making it work:  how you are fulfilling your calling and at the same time keeping the mortgage paid, and more.

Check out the testimonials and pictures from others who have attended. Coaching with Excellence

How are you doing well and doing good?  Let me know resources and tips you are using to maximize your earning and serving.

from Official Site Dan Miller

A positive mind repels a negative life Dan Miller


A positive mind repels a negative life

  1. Can I blog about my ex-husband being a porn addict?
  2. My 23 y.o. son was hit head-on by a teenage driver back in December. What can he do for work?
  3. Does a person’s weight and posture affect their self-confidence and in a resulting way, their career?
  4. My younger brother is living his dreams and I feel pretty terrible because I am not.


“You cannot have a positive life and a negative mind.” – Joyce Meyer

Other Resources

Safe And Secure  Darryl Johnson II beautiful video – People in a zoo – we create our own zoo – taken care of and missing the ability to fly – use 48Days as the code to get $5.00 off your purchase

from Official Site Dan Miller

Friday, July 3, 2015

What if the negative person is my spouse? Dan Miller


What if the negative person is my spouse?

Joanne and I address the negative spouse issue. Two months ago my podcast theme was Stay Away From Negative People.  I talked about my 3-hour rule where I’ll spend 3 hours a year with negative friends but certainly not 3 days or 3 weeks on a vacation. 

Well, I knew there was the elephant in the room and didn’t address it fully.  I had a whole lot of you ask this question:

“Dan, I just listened to your podcast about staying away from negative people. What if the negative person is my wife?”

I got both – what if it’s my wife, and what if it’s my husband?  And I heard from people who said, “Dan, I am the negative one.  How can I stop?”

In this episode I asked my wife Joanne to join me and respond to the wisdom you, the listeners, submitted.



Renowned businessman Jim Rohn once said, “You’re the average of the five people you spend most of your time with.”

Here’s a recap of the 5 steps for addressing negativity in a marriage relationship:

  1. Recognize “security” is not just money in the bank.  Emotional security includes affirmation, support and encouragement.
  2. Acknowledge different personality styles.  There are not “good or bad” , “right or wrong” styles – just different.  See the added value of having different perspectives.
  3. Look for the “fear” behind the negativity.  Have you let the person down at previous times?
  4. Recognize not hitting a goal is not always “failure.”  It may be the very step required for your ultimate success.
  5. Listen more talk less.  Let your actions convince your spouse rather than your words.


Check out all these Resources to move you toward your dreams: – use 48Days as the code to get $5.00 off your purchase of Dan’s favorite morning product

Go to for your free download of “What you Need to Know About Changes in Higher Education”

Want to join the ranks of successful writers?  Here’s my free 48-point Checklist for Writers

Here’s one of the most popular lists we’ve had:  8″Keys”to”Starting”a”New”Business” 

I have an 11-page checklist to help you identify What’s Holding You Back From Your Dreams? 

Escaping Shawshank – eagle awards

Escaping Shawshank – the event in August where we’ll look at Prison, Purpose and Plan – Meet Dan & Joanne there.

48 Days Coaching Mastery Program

The Ultimate Advantage Cruise – Feb 2017

Coaching with Excellence – September 3-4, 2015

Question for Dan –

from Official Site Dan Miller

Attitude, Personality, and then Ability Dan Miller

This is a guest post by Marcy Travis, career coach and author.  Marcy recently shared her free ebook on Positive Affirmations for the Job Seeker.  Her book on 6 Steps to Create a WOW Resume helps readers create resumes to get interviews faster and create their best life.  She is completing the 48 Days Coaching Mastery Program to compliment her years of work in career services.  If you’d like to guest post on this blog, check out the guidelines here.

As I shared my hair razing corporate interview experience with a colleague, she sat forward in her seat, smiling. Her eyes started to sparkle.

I could feel the anticipation, excitement, and intimidation start to build as I told my story.

Corporate America had a challenging interview process for me so long ago, involving several initial screenings over two months time:  resume, written test, and a stress test. Then I was flying to all expenses paid to HQ for an all day interview session.

The company booked me in an Embassy Suites hotel on the eve of the interview marathon.  I ordered an amazing dinner, and tried not to be intimidated about what the next day held.

I was right out of college. A single mom, age 32.

It was interview time.

The next day I reported to the assigned room. A group of us were given the day’s agenda. We were informed by our host that only 1 out of 7 people pass this phase of the test.

Stressful people waiting for job interview

Only 1 will move on

I looked around. There were 7 of us.

Our host left. People started talking about their degrees and where they went to school. Everyone had an engineering degree. I had a psychology degree. Yikes!

Give it your best always.

I told myself, “it doesn’t matter what anyone else does today, I need to be the best I can be”.  Mindset shift, decision made.

Focus. Work smart. Be hungry.

Our group was given a 30 page technical sheet.  We had three hours to prepare a technical solution and presentation. Each individual would be called into a room to make a sales presentation to mock customers.

I hated giving presentations!

Hungry for success, I made myself focus. If I bombed out, I would bomb out doing the best work I could do.

A quick scan of the document showed instructions buried in the document: “Ignore everything but the last two pages when preparing your technical solution”.

Curious, I snuck a peek at the others in the group. Only one other person noticed what I did. Score!

Don’t underestimate the power of a smile.

As I walked into the room to give my sales presentation, my teeth started to chatter. Four “customers” waited for me.

This was my worst nightmare!   I gave them a big confident smile, introduced myself, and shook each person’s hand. I was getting a great reception. They seemed to like me.

Introductions out of the way, I presented my sales solution to their technical issues. Halfway through my presentation the group started to frown. They said, “This isn’t at all what we asked for; we don’t like your solution at all. You haven’t been listening to us”.

Don’t give up. Persist.

I knew I had presented a good technical solution. But I said to myself, “the customer is always right”. I also thought, “Well, this interview is pretty much over… I failed”.

I told them I would make the revisions they asked for within 24 hours. I kept a smile on my face and stayed positive that I would deliver a solution that satisfied them.

The meeting ended. I went back to sit with the rest of the group, a rumpled, sweaty mess. I was ready to go home. I had tried my best and failed.

Sometimes being right isn’t right.

I returned to the group. What I heard the others saying shocked me. They were vocal, fired up, comparing notes about what they had said.

Each person had argued with the customer and insisted their solution was right! They were confident the customer was wrong!

Some things don’t appear as they seem.

Our host dismissed us, telling us we would be notified by mail of the results. I already knew my results. Nada!

As I got up to leave the room, the host pulled me aside. Perhaps they were going to let me down easy.

I was asked to stay for an interview before I left that day.


Sure I could stay! I couldn’t have been more surprised.

Great people skills trump everything.

The VP in charge of Major Market Sales was super nice in the interview.

He explained technical skills can be learned; great interpersonal skills are hard to find.  The company wanted employees who would offer excellent customer service under any circumstance.

I was offered my first professional position – Technical Sales Representative. I was on cloud 9!

Stepping up to a challenge is worth it.

I can’t tell you how great it felt to be the “1 out of 7”.  You can be too!

Don’t underestimate the power of a smile, great people skills, persistence, and determined focus. They will take you farther than you could imagine!

from Official Site Dan Miller

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Why authors, speaker and coaches are broke Dan Miller

I have been privileged to work with a variety of “experts” over the last few years – helping them leverage their knowledge into real businesses.danmiller

There’s a three part formula any of us can use to clearly state what we do – here’s mine.

I help high potential individuals

Understand and apply their unique and most powerful talents and passions

So they can make a larger impact, leave a legacy and thrive financially.

You can use that formula to state your own position and work.

But here’s a common theme:  Authors want to write books, speakers want to speak and coaches want to coach.  However, if you select one and only one, you will likely be frustrated with the results.  I have met countless doctors, pastors, coaches and authors who are frustrated because while extremely knowledgeable in their expertise, they can’t put food on the table, take a vacation or set aside funds for old age.

If you are a great author but know nothing about speaking, coaching, doing seminars, consulting and selling your own product, then you will have a limited message and will bypass millions of dollars that are available to you.  If you are an awesome coach but you’ve never captured your particular expertise in teleseminars, workshops, ebooks, and instructional manuals, you will wear yourself out trying to get just one more client this week.  If you speak with passion and move your audiences to action, but have never taken the time to learn online marketing, you will be destined to a life in airports and hotels and miss the daily life with your family.  If you are the world’s best pediatrician but increase your income only by herding 30 more babies into your office this week, you will die of exhaustion and miss the lives of your own children.

Only by creating multiple streams of income will you be able to have a stress-free, balanced and profitable business.

Here’s the model I use to maximize my one area of knowledge – helping find or create meaningful and profitable work.  It may be challenging to generate significant income by allowing people only one method of experiencing your message. But if you give them opportunity to choose from several options, they will benefit and you will thrive.Venn Diagram - Multiple Streams of Income

In our September 3-4th Coaching with Excellence event we’ll cover 48 ways to fill your funnel and put you in the top 3% of coaching income.  We’ll help you shape your message and create a financial model that separates you from the 97%.  You can be the next to experience what Jevonnah did:

“Investing in the Coaching Mastery program was one of the BEST decisions I ever made for my Coaching Practice. Not only did it give me increased visibility and open doors, the relationships I’ve built with other coaches in the program have turned into lifetime friendships. The referred clients I’ve been blessed to serve have also turned into lasting friendships and many of them continue to send new clients my way now. If you are truly serious about having a THRIVING coaching business, Coaching Mastery is worth every bit of the investment…and some. If you want to be the best, you have to learn from the best. Dan Miller is at the top of his game and is truly, in my humble opinion, is the best when it comes to teaching you how to set up and grow a successful coaching business. Words will never be able to fully express how grateful I am for his leadership and heart.”Jevonnah Ellison

Shall we save you a seat for our September 3-4th Coaching with Excellence live event here at the Sanctuary in Franklin, TN?

Want to get started now – 10 Tips for Getting Your First Paying Client

from Official Site Dan Miller