Here’s a podcast listener question
Hey Dan, I’m having trouble keeping jobs. I need help. Do you have any psychologists that you would recommend? My insurance runs out at the end of this month so I need to act fast. I was self employed for years but had to start working for companies to get
a steady paycheck and insurance for my family. I really need help understanding what I’m doing wrong in the workplace to keep getting laid off or fired. Thanks, Evan
There are a couple of possibilities:
- You need to ask your previous employers what was it that made them not want to have you on their team? Do you have work or attitude habits that are sabotaging your success?
- You have been spoiled by having been “self employed for years.” You’ve experienced the taste of time freedom and open-ended income and will have difficulty being an “employee” again. You may subtly resist supervision or have a hard time keeping your better ideas to yourself.
But keep in mind, these early jobs are part of the process of clarification. Few people find the perfect match right at the beginning. If you learn from these experiences it could get you closer to a job that fits you.
In Daniel Pink’s book Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us, he identified three things we all want in our work:
- Mission
- Mastery
- Automony
If we don’t have those, we’re likely to move on or self-sabotage to the point of getting fired.
If it’s any consolation I too would have trouble keeping a job – it’s just how some of us are wired. Consider all the new work models today – contingency worker, independent contractor, free-lancer, temp, entrepreneur, and many more. These are legitimate models for work that don’t look and feel like being an “employee.”
You may do better having a project to complete. You may find something you do really well – that you can frame into consistent income. Don’t let anyone tell you “you need a job.” What you need to do is find a way to focus your unique talents and passions – in a way that will create sufficient income for you to be responsible and enjoy the life you choose.
Yes, I can recommend some psychologists. Or if you need a coach, just contact me here and I’ll match you with one of our best 48 Days Coaches. It may not be a deep-seated flaw but rather a matter of seeing new possibilities outside of the traditional JOB.
Here’s a free guide to help you understand how you’re wired – Personality Styles Overview Guide
from Official Site Dan Miller
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