Friday, May 29, 2015

Stop asking for permission Dan Miller


Stop asking for permission

  1. Do my “nontraditional” educational experiences really have value in the workplace?
  2. I make over a $100,000 year, but I don’t really have any skills that could propel me into a new direction.
  3. How can I build an audience without having “haters?”
  4. What if the negative person in your life is your spouse?
  5. I have too many ideas to start my business and achieve what I want.



“If you want to achieve greatness stop asking for permission.” –Anonymous

Other Resources:

I have an 11-page checklist to help you identify What’s Holding You Back From Your Dreams? 

Escaping Shawshank – eagle awards

Escaping Shawshank – the event in August where we’ll look at Prison, Purpose and Plan – Meet Dan & Joanne there.

48 Days Coaching Mastery Program

The Ultimate Advantage Cruise – Feb 2017

Coaching with Excellence – September 3-4, 2015

Question for Dan –

from Official Site Dan Miller

Thursday, May 28, 2015

What if the negative person is my wife? DanMiller

Two weeks ago my podcast theme was Stay Away From Negative Friends.  I talked about my 3-hour rule where I’ll spend 3 hours a year with negative friends but certainly not 3 days or 3 weeks on a vacation. Negative Friends

Well, I knew there was the elephant in the room and didn’t address it fully.  I have had a whole lot of you ask this question:

I just listened to your podcast about staying away from negative people. What if the negative person is your wife?

I got both – what if it’s my wife, and what if it’s my husband?

Some of you may be hearing:

  • We can’t afford to take a risk right now. 
  • We don’t have the money.
  • You don’t have the time. 
  • It can’t be done like that. 
  • Someone else is already doing that. 
  • You don’t know where to begin. 
  • Better be safe than sorry. 
  • You’re not that good. 
  • You’ve failed in your last 3 ideas – why would this one be different. 
  • You’re just a dreamer – not a doer. 
  • You don’t have the credentials. 
  • You’re not a leader. 
  • You can’t compete with Dave Ramsey, Michael Hyatt, Pat Flynn or John Lee Dumas. 
  • You’re too old – you’re too young. 
  • You don’t have the right degrees.

Sometimes it’s the people closest to us that want us to stay as we are.  Where new growth and change may be threatening or a painful reminder to that person that they are feeling stuck.

So before Joanne and I sit down and really combine our thoughts on this, I’d like to hear from you.  What are your tips for dealing with a less than supportive spouse when you are ready to pursue your dream?

I’ll share on an upcoming podcast and in a post like this as well.  If you want to remain anonymous that’s fine – just let me know.  You can add your comments here or email me privately at

Thanks for your wisdom and insight on this important topic.

from Official Site Dan Miller

I love books …… but DanMiller

Growing up in a home without radio or TV drove me to books as a way to expand my little world.  And that little world has expanded from doing simple farm chores like baling hay and milking cows to writing, speaking and coaching today. 

Reading allowed to see more and expect more and ultimately to doing, having and being more.  The UPS driver roars up my lane 2 or 3 times a week with new and exciting books to allow me to continue to expand my experiences and opportunities. Books - excess

Recently my reading list has included The Happiness of Pursuit by Chris Guillebeau, Say Goodbye to Survival Mode by Crystal Paine, The Legacy Journey by Dave Ramsey, Permission to Procrastinate by Rory Vaden, Drucker & Me by Bob Bufford, The Best Yes by Lysa TerKeurst, The Entrepreneur Roller Coaster by Darren Hardy, Business Secrets in the Bible by Rabbi Daniel Lapin, The Art of Work by Jeff Goins, The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg, Blood Moons on Wall Street by Jay Peroni, Small Business Big Pressure by Darryl Lyons, Powerful Words by Clark Gaither, You Have What it Takes by Jevonnah Ellison, and Conversations with God by Neale Donald Walsch.

And yes, I still prefer to read physical books.  I scan a lot of books on my Kindle but if I really want to read it, I immediately order the “real” book.  But the steady influx of books in my office creates a new challenge.  So twice a year I purge books from my office, keeping my standing library at about 1000 books.  With Monday being a holiday, I spent the day pulling about 200 books that I’ve read but that did not make the cut for my remaining 1000. 

If you’re coming to an event at the Sanctuary you’ll see the large bookcase on the back wall with these books – free for the taking for event participants.  Help yourself, and I hope they will inspire you as they have me. 

from Official Site Dan Miller

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Let’s have a “come as you will be” party! Dan Miller

Let’s have a “come as you will be” party!

  1. Should I expect a full time job at the end of the 48 Days process?
  2. I’m not sure there is any “work” that I would enjoy doing.
  3. Could I make money as a caffeine coach?
  4. I find it very frustrating not being able to make decisive decisions.



“If your ship doesn’t come in, swim out to meet it.”  Jonathan Winters

Other Resources:

I have an 11-page checklist to help you identify What’s Holding You Back From Your Dreams? 

Escaping Shawshank – eagle awards

Escaping Shawshank – the event in August where we’ll look at Prison, Purpose and Plan – Meet Dan & Joanne there.

48 Days Coaching Mastery Program

The Ultimate Advantage Cruise – Feb 2017

Coaching with Excellence – September 3-4, 2015  May Event is SOLD OUT

Question for Dan –

from Official Site Dan Miller

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Is your good life making you stupid? DanMiller

This concept comes from a story I read in the classic little book I Dare You.  A professor once hit upon a great discovery while buttoning up his vest.  Or rather, he hit upon the discovery because his vest wouldn’t button up.  His little daughter had sewn up some of the buttonholes by mistake.  His fingers were going along as usual in their most intricate operations of buttoning a button, when something happened.  A button wouldn’t button.

His fingers fumbled helplessly for a moment, then sent out a call for help.  His mind woke up.  The eyes looked down………a Idea - newnew idea was born, or rather a new understanding of an old idea.  What the professor had discovered was that fingers can remember.   You know how automatic things can become, riding a bicycle, using a keyboard, or even driving home from the office.

Then the professor began playing pranks on his classes, and he found that the answer was always the same.  As long as they could keep on doing the things they had always done, their minds wouldn’t work.  It was only when he figuratively sewed up their buttonholes, stole their notebooks, locked the doors, upset their routine, that any thinking was done.

So he came to the great, and now generally accepted, conclusion that the mind of man is “an emergency organ.”  That it relegates everything possible to automatic functions as long as it is able, and that it is only when the old order of things won’t work any longer that it gets on the job and starts working. 

Keeping things the same may be keeping you stupid.

Maybe that job loss is an opportunity for your brain to wake up and discover meaningful work rather than just a paycheck.

Maybe having the bank refuse your loan application will prompt your brain to come up with a better solution.

Maybe that flat tire will trigger a great invention that will make you a millionaire. 

Maybe the warning about high blood pressure will wake you up to better health and richer relationships. 

So my advice is this:  Sew up some buttonholes in your life this week.  Drive a different route home from work.  Read a book you would not normally read.  Write your name with the hand opposite your normal dominance to see how it wakes up your brain.  Take time to stop to help a stranded motorist.  Volunteer to help on a community project.  And welcome the unexpected “closed buttonholes” this week.  You may be surprised at having your brain turn on.  Who knows what creative ideas or solutions you may discover. 

Here’s an 11-page worksheet for you to identify What You May Be Missing

from Official Site Dan Miller

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Stay away from negative “friends” Dan Miller


Stay away from negative “friends”

  1. Here’s how I’m attending Escaping Shawshank!   Update on Caleb’s progress
  2. I’m trying to jump-start my career and it’s depressing to get negative feedback from family and friends.
  3. I am discouraged because I feel like I’m not qualified and worthless.
  4. What can a Christian wife do (besides nagging) to help her husband find a new path and a new direction?
  5. Would you consider advertising through a vehicle wrap on our 30 ft Airstream?



“Keep away from angry, short-tempered men, lest you learn to be like them and endanger your soul.”  Proverbs 22:24-25 (TLB)

Other Resources:

48 Days guided journey or text 48days to 33444

Escaping Shawshank – eagle awards

Escaping Shawshank – the event in August where we’ll look at Prison, Purpose and Plan – Meet Dan & Joanne there.

48 Days Coaching Mastery Program

The Ultimate Advantage Cruise – Feb 2017

Coaching with Excellence – September 3-4, 2015  May Event is SOLD OUT

Question for Dan –

Books mentioned this week:

The War of Art: Break Through the Blocks and Win Your Inner Creative Battles Paperback – by Steven Pressfield

The Empowered Artist: A Call to Action for Musicians, Writers, Visual Artists, and Anyone Who Wants to Make a Difference With Their Creativity — Bob Baker

Steal Like an Artist: 10 Things Nobody Told You About Being Creative — by Austin Kleon

from Official Site Dan Miller

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

You’re smart enough and good enough but your business is sucking wind Dan Miller

Remember the old Saturday Night Live skit where the character would stand in front of the mirror and say, “I’m good enough.  I’m smart enough. And doggone it, people like me.”  Well, I wish that were enough to be successful in business – but it’s not.

I just spoke with a new author.  She’s done a really good job of writing; did all the hard work and has a beautiful book in her hands.  And now she’s wondering how to sell more than the 10 copies she can count on from friends and family.

business woman with positive chart

It takes more than smarts to be successful

As I talk with people who are growing in success I keep seeing essential components we can identify that will make us even more successful. It doesn’t matter if you’re a graphic designer, bookkeeper, artist, writer, speaker, computer programmer, web designer, attorney, dentist, coach, inventor or CEO, you can take a look at these elements and see how you’re doing.  

Whether you have 1 customer or 10,000 you can look at your job, self-employment, or business to see how you’re engaging your skills to make money and make the world a better place.

You can’t just be good at writing, speaking, designing, fixing teeth, or drawing beautiful paintings.  There are 4 essential parts required for continued success:

Rank yourself 1-100% on how well you are doing in each of these areas

1.  Define Uniqueness – Focus your passion

What is it that makes you unique?  How do you stand out from the crowd?  There can be lots of others in the same arena but something has to make you distinguishable.  Define that:


My ranking in this area __________ %

My plans for raising my effectiveness in this area include:


2.  Build Authority – Grow your craft and confidence

What have you done that allows people to see your work? Do you have examples of your books, instructional manuals, audio products, tables, chairs, art pieces, speeches, landscaping, inventions, blogs, podcasts, client testimonials, etc.


My ranking in this area __________ %

My plans for raising my effectiveness in this area include:


3.  Establish Your Voice – Expand your audience and connect

How are you building your audience?  Who is listening to you now?  Are you active on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIN?  Are you creating a regular newsletter, blog or podcast?  Are you active on social networking sites like  Are you commenting regularly on other similar blogs, podcasts and websites?  What workshops, seminars and conferences will you attend this year?  How would you rank yourself compared to others in the same industry or profession?


My ranking in this area __________ %

My plans for raising my effectiveness in this area include:


4.  Leverage and Prosper – Deliver your work, give people what they want

How are you delivering your work on a daily, weekly, monthly basis?  What books have you written? How many houses have you built?  How many clients do you have currently?  What are you doing right now to build an inventory of your products or services?  How could you duplicate your core message with products other than what you offer now?


My ranking in this area __________ %

My plans for raising my effectiveness in this area include:


When I did this recently with a brainstorming group, I ranked myself at 94%, 85%, 40%, and 70% in these four areas.  I see so many ways I could be better in the last two areas.  We’re exploring the new opportunities in Facebook advertising, being more active about writing for magazines and other websites, attending some strategic conferences, and building relationships with some other key players in my arena.  We are expanding member interaction in the community.  We now have the 10th Anniversary Edition of 48 Days to the Work You Love in hand – and I am now ready to create videos, seminar and the new Leader’s Guide.

It doesn’t matter if you have 1 customer (employed in traditional job) or if you are attempting to attract thousands, you can use this model to identify the areas where you can focus for improvement.

We’ve got an additional list of 18 Questions for Being Successful in Your Own Venture.  Just go to and you can get that list instantly.  The more questions you answer “Yes” to the better your chances of success.

from Official Site Dan Miller

Are you ready to be your own boss? Dan Miller

Many of you have read The E-Myth by Michael Gerber.  In that book Gerber describes what he calls the “Fatal Assumption.”  The Fatal Assumption is this:  that knowing how to do the technical work means you know how to build a business.

Gerber clarifies a challenge we’ve all seen played out:

  • If someone knows how to cook well, the fatal assumption is that he/she will automatically have the skills to run a restaurant.
  • An accountant sets up an accounting practice.
  • An attorney starts a legal firm.
  • A doctor opens a medical clinic.
  • A great babysitter opens a daycare.
  • Someone with compassion to serve starts a church.
  • Someone with technical skills opens his own IT consulting business.
  • The flower planter decides to start his own landscaping business.

We could go on and on.  The fatal assumption is that these people tend to see the business as simply an extension of their current job.  But, unfortunately, there are a whole lot of functions that must be mastered to run a business effectively.

Yes, you can start with your technical skill, but don’t count on that alone to result in a successful business.

Two weeks ago I addressed the topic “Why are the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer” in my podcast.  The top Ten Characteristics of People who end up Rich provided by you the listeners also line up nicely with what’s required to work on your own. 

Ten Characteristics of People who end up Rich

  1. Expects Success
  2. Creates a clear plan
  3. Works Hard
  4. Avoids Debt
  5. Is teachable and a lifelong learner
  6. Exercises self-control, persistence, and delayed gratification.
  7. Accepts Personal Responsibility
  8. Keeps Good Company
  9. Is Opportunity conscious
  10. Enjoys the present but plans for the future

We’ve got an additional list of 18 Questions for Finding Job Freedom.  Just go to and you can get that list instantly.  The more questions you answer “Yes” to the better your chances of success.48_days_group_shot

There are a whole lot of people in the 48Days community who are helping each other with advice and complimenting skills in  If you are moving toward starting your own business, don’t miss out on the expertise found in those with other skills.  I tell people that in a small business like 48Days, there are probably 20-25 different things that need to be done.  I probably do 2 or 3 of those pretty well.  That’s where I spend my time.  For all the others I find people whose skills far surpass my own in those areas.

Are you a part of the gang or are you committing the fatal flaw of trying to do it all yourself?

Remember to check out the 18 Questions for Finding Job Freedom.  You can learn to be the boss you always wanted.

from Official Site Dan Miller