Saturday, April 25, 2015

Is it Expensive or Valuable? Dan Miller


  1. Here’s how I’m attending Escaping Shawshank!
  2. I am becoming more and more afraid for my kids as they are going through public school.
  3. How can I pursue my dreams when I’m paying off student debt and buying off brand macaroni and cheese and still just trying to figure out my life?
  4. How do we change what we feel we deserve?



“Monotony is the awful reward of the careful.”  A.G. Buckman

Helpful Resources – use 48Days as the code to get $5.00 off your purchase

Escaping Shawshank - the event in August where we’ll look at Prison, Purpose and Plan – Meet Dan & Joanne there.

Why do the rich get richer and the poor get poorer? – send your responses to for the May1st episode

48 Days Coaching Mastery Program

The Ultimate Advantage Cruise – Feb 2017

Coaching with Excellence – May, 2015

Upcoming Themes:

How do we help our children find their creativity when they are in schools where “They are being molded to conform, memorize, do exactly what they are told, and create predictable things…”

How do we change our sense of deserving?


from Official Site Dan Miller

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