Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Pity the person who has no one to……… Dan Miller

I just returned from our Escaping Shawshank event in Columbus, Ohio.  And there I was reminded of the profound effect of others in our lives – good and bad.

With the growth of the entrepreneurial model I see lots of people who think they have to “make it on their own.”  Nothing could be farther from WMP-quote-relationships-300x225the truth.  As I think about my own little business I think about my daughter Ashley who coordinates all our communication and websites and runs our live events.  Terri oversees product fulfillment and customer service.  Brian handles all the web and promotional aspects, Jen coordinates the 48Days.net activities, Andy addresses the technical details of our business, there are designers who create covers and book layouts, the virtual assistants who scan the internet for relevant content, the editors and PR people who help with book sales, and the list goes on and on.  And of course me wife Joanne helps me in a multitude of ways – traveling with me, encouraging me, loving everyone who comes to our live events, and much more.

Yes, I’m a business owner – but guess what – I’m a poor people manager and I love to work alone.  But without the complimentary skills of all those other people I could accomplish very little.

Today I heard reference to this verse from Ecclesiastes.  It’s often used as a reference to marriage, but it also speaks to the process of being successful in any area of your life.

Two are better than one,
because they have a good return for their labor:
10 If either of them falls down,
one can help the other up.
But pity anyone who falls
and has no one to help them up.  Ecclesiastes 4:8-10 (NIV)

Do you have others around you who are ready to pick you up if you fall down?  If you’re a writer, speaker, coach, employee, entrepreneur, free-lancer, independent contractor or college student – you need people to come alongside you to reach any extraordinary level of success.

I’m meeting people all around the world who follow @48DaysTeam on TwitterDan Miller on FB, participants in our live events  and those involved at 48Days.net – just a few of the ways we are connected with people we are helping and who are in turn helping us.

Who are the people who are “helping” you in your success?

Want to know how to nurture the help of your spouse?  Check this out – 48days.com/marriage

from Official Site Dan Miller http://ift.tt/1LsXfOT

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